Time | Tuesday, July 19 · 8:00pm - 11:00pm |
Location | Pentas Studio平台空間 88-2, Amber Business Plaza 2, Jalan Jelawat 1, 56000 Cheras.(Cheras LRT Station,99超市樓上) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
More Info | 平台映像 Pentas Cinema 007 歐丁劇場●《雪跡》 Odin Teatret.Traces in the Snow 日期Date:19 July 2011 @ 8:00pm 地點Venue:平台空間Pentas Studio 88-2, Amber Business Plaza 2, Jalan Jelawat 1, 56000 Cheras Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia(Cheras LRT Station,99超市樓上) 資源共享.歡迎樂捐 Resource Sharing, Donation Welcome SUPPORTED BY HSBC █蘿柏塔‧卡芮&《雪跡》 蘿貝塔.卡芮出生在義大利米蘭,19歲在家鄉因緣際會觀 卡 芮的傑出演技不僅廣受學者專家和觀眾的讚嘆,讓她享有全 █歐丁劇場 從前有一位意大利年輕人,從歐洲最南方的意大利背著簡單 歐丁劇場最有名的表演訓練是肢體和聲音,他們除了用果扥 尤金諾‧芭芭最有名的創舉就是劇場人類學,其中國際劇場 █Traces in the Snow Traces in the Snow is a work demonstration that explores through physical presentation and narrative, Ms. Carreri’s professional autobiography since 1978. The performance includes fragments of the performance “Judith” and explanations of Ms. Carreri’s approach to physical and vocal training. Every performance tells a story. The characters belonging to the world of fiction become credible reality for the spectator thanks to the actor's technique. In Traces in the Snow, the technique itself becomes the protagonist. The actress carries on a dialogue with the secrets, which precede and follow the building of a character and the creation of a performance - and its process, she exposes these secrets. The tension, which characterizes every drama, is also present in this performance/work demonstration, due to the confrontation between the actress's two forms of behavior: daily and scenic. █Odin Teatret Odin Teatret was founded in Oslo in 1964 by director Eugenio Barba, who had been a pupil of Jerzy Grotowski. Since 1966, the company has been based in Holstebro, Denmark. Odin Teatret is also the base of ISTA, the International School of Theatre Anthropology, founded by Barba in 1979, and the Centre for Theatre Laboratory Studies (CTLS), founded in 2002. █ Roberta Carreri Roberta Carreri is a master performer and teacher who has, for 33 years, been a member of the Danish theatre company Odin Teatret, directed by Eugenio Barba. Born in 1953 in Milan, Italy, Roberta has performed around the world in such Odin performances as Brecht’s Ashes, Kaosmos, Mythos, Andersen’s Dream, Judith, and Salt. Ms. Carreri gives workshops for actors all over the world that focus on the actor’s physical presence and the sonority of the voice. She has trained in physical theater practices from Japan, China, Bali and India. ++++++有關平台映像.About Pentas Cinema++++++ 「嘿我們來做點燦爛的事吧。」──夏宇 近五年來,平台計劃以當代、知性和跨界的姿態,在本土表 2010年,平台計劃終於有了自家的小空間,作為排練、 有感於此,平台啟動了【平台映像】計劃,公開平台珍藏的 我們誠摯邀請您,和我們啟動【平台映像】計劃的引擎。 Pentas Project has been very enthusiast in exploring new paths in performing arts in Malaysia, focusing on contemporary and cross-disciplinary performances. Through various theatre performances such as Animal Farm, The Lost and the Ecliptic, Toilet, Pentas Project is eager to look for various other possibilities. Besides building our own identity, Pentas Project has also been opening up possiblities for interactions through organizing workshops and the 2010 Pentas New Director Project. This is one of our effort to promote performing arts. 2010, Pentas Project finally has it's own studio, as a space for rehearsals, meetings and events.Pentas Project has been a profit making organization, in fact, we are always lack of funding. On the other hand, local audiences also in lack of chances to see international performances with high standard and quality, due to the shortage of cultural resources. Hence, Pentas Project initiated Pentas Cinema, open for public viewing the first time of Pentas Project'c collection on documentaries of international performances. Pentas Project hopes to invite people who share the same interest and vision. to come to this screening in a form of a secret society, and eventually equip ourselves to create works that are more exciting. We also hopes to fundraise for the development of Pentas Project through little donation for admission to the screening. We sincerely invite you to come to Pentas Cinema. |
Purpose directs passion and passion ignites purpose. Where there is passion, there is no need for motivation
Thursday, 14 July 2011
平台映像 Pentas Cinema 007 歐丁劇場●《雪跡》Odin Teatret.Traces in the Snow
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